100 research outputs found

    Satellite Image Compression Using Wavelet

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    Image data is a combination of information and redundancies, the information is part of the data be protected because it contains the meaning and designation data. Meanwhile, the redundancies are part of data that can be reduced, compressed, or eliminated. Problems that arise are related to the nature of image data that spends a lot of memory. In this paper will compare 31 wavelet function by looking at its impact on PSNR, compression ratio, and bits per pixel (bpp) and the influence of decomposition level of PSNR and compression ratio. Based on testing performed, Haar wavelet has the advantage that is obtained PSNR is relatively higher compared with other wavelets. Compression ratio is relatively better than other types of wavelets. Bits per pixel is relatively better than other types of wavelet

    RPIM Meshless method for Numerical Solution of Natural Convection in Porous Square Cavity

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    This paper proposed meshless Radial Point Interpolation Meshless Methods (RPIM) method for numerical solution of natural convection in Darcy porous square cavity. It is assumed that Boussinesq approximation is valid to characteristic the buoyancy effect as the driving force of the fluid flow. The Galerkin global weak form is used to discretize the system equations. The multiquadratic radial basis function (RBF) is chosen as the shape and test function. Comparing the numerical results obtained using the proposed method with those obtained using the conventional methods shows very good agreement

    Medical Image Segmentation Using Phase-Field Method based on GPU Parallel Programming

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    The use of a Phase Field method for medical image segmentation is proposed in this paper. The Allen-Cahn equation, a mathematical model equation, is used in this method. The Finite Difference method is used for numerical discretization of model equations and semi-algebraic equations integrated over time using the second -order Runge-Kutta method. Numerical algorithms are implemented into computer programming using the serial and parallel C programming language based on GPU CUDA. Based on image segmentation calculations, the Phase Field method has high accuracy. It is indicated by the Jaccard Index and Dice Similarity values that are close to one. The range of Jaccard Index values is 0.859 - 0.952, while the Dice Similarity value range is 0.926 - 0.976. In addition, it is shown that parallel programming with GPU CUDA can accelerate 45.72 times compared to serial programming

    Honey Yield Prediction Using Tsukamoto Fuzzy Inference System

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    Honey is a natural product of bee. Since ancient times, honey has been known by humans as a source of natural food and also for traditional medicine. There are so many beneficial of honey, make people trying to do honeybee cultivate as a business solution to increase their income. However, to cultivate honey bees is not easy. Special knowledge is required on honey bee cultivation and capital is fairly large. In order for beekeepers not to lose from honey sales business, beekeepers should be able to estimate the honey yield accurately. Predicted yield of honey is used as a material consideration and help determine the decision in honey bee cultivation. This study provides  a  solution  for  prediction  of  honey  yield  type  Apis Cerana with the main food of Calliandra flowers accurately. The method used in this research is Tsukamoto's fuzzy inference system (FIS) method. There are 3 input fuzzy used in this study, namely : Rainfall, number of box, and number of flower trees. The three fuzzy inputs are the determinants of the honey yield. The representation model used in the research is Trapezoid with fuzzy rules of 125 rules. While the test data in this research are rainfall and honey yield data for 21 years. The results of this study showed that the prediction of honey yield   using FIS Tsukamoto  closed  the  real  honey  yield  with  RMSE  value  of 9.44933860119277

    Identifikasi Tingkat Kematangan Buah Pinang Menggunakan Backpropagation dan Transformasi Ruang Warna

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    Pinang merupakan salah satu buah yang sangat popular karena memiliki banyak manfaat. Dalam dunia pertanian buah pinang mempunyai ciri tersendiri yaitu warna kulit. Untuk kulit yang berwarna hijau adalah pinang mentah, untuk kulit yang berwarna hijau kekuningan adalah pinang matang, dan untuk kulit yang berwarna kuning adalah pinang tua. Pada paper ini, menyajikan perancangan aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengidentifikasi kematangan buah pinang dengan mengunakan Backpropagation dan Transformasi ruang warna. Hasil pengujian Backpropagation terlihat dari output yang dihasilkan berdasarkan target yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya. Ada tiga kondisi yang digunakan sebagai parameter yaitu mentah, matang, dan tua dengan rentang nilai RGB untuk setiap kondisi yang berbeda-beda. Data yang digunakan sebanyak 30 sampel citra. Jarak pengambilan gambar dari kamera ke objek 50 cm. Hasil pengujian memperoleh akurasi sebesar 20% pinang mentah, 26,66% pada pinang matang dan 30% pada pinang tua

    Prediction of Peat Forest Fires Using Wavelet and Backpropagation

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    One of the causes of smog as well as climate damage, particularly in Palangka Raya, Center Kalimantan, are peat forest fires. There are a lot of losses inflicted by the smog including the increasing number of people who suffer respiratory infection (ARI) due to polluted air and any other related aspects. Peat fires are problematic to overcome because the locations of fires are difficult to be accessed. This paper focuses on building the system to predict the distribution of peat forest fire hotspots by utilizing satellite imagery. In designing the system for predicting the fire hotspots distribution, wavelet orthogonal was used as the initial processing of mapping the distribution of peat forest fire hotspots. Meanwhile, backpropagation method was used to identify the fire hotspot distribution patterns of peat forest fire in this system. From the result of the data tested which had been done for predicting the peat forest fire hotspots, the decomposition image obtained using Haar wavelet had the highest percentage of accuracy to recognize the fire hotspots, which is 90%. The recency of this system was its ability to predict the peat forest fire hotspots distribution which can be used as peat forest fires prevention, especially in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan

    Clustering untuk Efektivitas Promosi Produk Melalui Media Sosial pada UMKM Kota Yogyakarta Menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tingkat korelasi antara promosi produk dengan penjualan dan pendapatan UMKM serta untuk melihat tingkat efektivitas promosi produk yang diperoleh. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi berganda doulittle serta metode clustering mengimplementasikan algoritma fuzzy c-means. Melalui perhitungan korelasi, akan ditemukan tingkat korelasi yang berhasil diraih antara promosi dengan pendapatan UMKM. Kemudian, penelitian ini ingin menguji algoritma fuzzy c-means dalam clustering UMKM serta menghitung tingkat efektivitas promosi yang berhasil diraih oleh setiap cluster. Dataset terdiri atas 100 data dengan 7 macam variabel. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan tingkat korelasi antar variabel sebesar 68.093, pusat cluster berupa matriks Vkj, terbentuknya 2 buah cluster, serta tingkat efektivitas pada setiap cluster dengan 90.11% untuk cluster 2 dan 56.55% untuk cluster 1. Setelah menentukan tingkat efektivitas pada setiap cluster maka dapat menentukan cluster mana yang lebih efektif dalam melakukan promosi produk melalui media sosial.Kata Kunci: UMKM, Clustering, Promosi, Korelasi Berganda Doulittle, Fuzzy C-Mean

    An Identification of Success of Academic System Application Using Delone and McLean Design

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    Academic information system is a system that is very important to be applied to every college, the system is used in order to assist college operators in processing students' grade data, lectures, and lecturers' data. Wira Husada School of health science is one of the colleges that has implemented academic information system, but the system implemented has not worked as it should be. This research aims to identify factors that influence the success of the application of academic information system that has been applied by Wira Husada School of health science using Delone and Mclean design by measuring six variables which are information quality, service quality, system quality, user, user satisfaction and net benefit. Researcher distributes questionnaires to 280 students of Wira Husada School of health science as the main users of the system, and then the data from the questionnaires are analyzed using SPSS and AMOS Program. The result of this research shows that the quality of information and system does not affect the user, but it affects user satisfaction, service quality affects user and user satisfaction, user satisfaction affects user, user affects net benefit and user satisfaction affects net benefit

    Pengelompokan Gangguan Kesehatan Mental Mahasiswa yang sedang Menempuh Skripsi dengan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani

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    Gangguan mental disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, termasuk skripsi yang menjadi salah satunya bagi mahasiswa rentan. Pengelompokan gangguan mental untuk mempermudah psikolog dalam menangani penderita berkesesuaian dengan gejala dan penyakitnya. Pengelompokan menggunakan fuzzy logic yang menirukan cara kerja otak manusia. Penerapan fuzzy logic Mamdani dirancang berdasarkan konsultasi dengan pakar di bidang psikologi. Sepuluh gejala awal masing-masing memiliki parameter (Ringan, Sedang, dan Berat) adalah variabel input. Variabel output merupakan enam gangguan kesehatan mental, skizofrenia paranoid, fobia, depresi, kecemasan, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), dan anti sosial. Hasil dari MATLAB merupakan hasil konsisten karena menghasilkan keluaran nilai yang berkesesuaian dengan nilai dari variabel parameter output. Proses fuzzy metode Mamdani menggunakan 65 aturan IF-THEN dengan operator AND sebagai penghubung. Hasil pengelompokan bahwa sebanyak 14 orang skizofrenia paranoid, 12 orang fobia, 28 orang depresi, 16 orang kecemasan, 23 orang OCD, 5 orang anti sosial, dan 10 orang tidak terdeteksi.Kata Kunci: Gangguan Mental, Skripsi, Fuzzy Mamdani

    Mobile Application Design Emergency Medical Call for the Deaf using UCD Method

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    Deaf or hearing loss is a condition of inability to hear something, either totally or partially. Hearing loss greatly affects the life of a person in communicating with the people around him. Deaf people will be very difficult when in a medical emergency, this is because the medical emergency situation requires fast action. The Healthy Phone application is a mobile medical emergency call application that can help people with hearing impaired when in emergency situations. With the Healthy Phone application, the user only needs to select an icon that suits the situation encountered in touchscreen mobile device then the message will be sent to the nearest hospital. To search for icons corresponding to emergencies, the User Centered Design (UCD) method is used. This application is very helpful for deaf people because this application does not require audio communication and user location is also sent automatically to the nearest hospital. The results were analyzed using four emergency event scenarios with a total score of 87% and an average user time of less than 0:42 sec indicating that the study was successful in designing a mobile medical emergency call application according to user requirement